What this template does This workflow will read your Zotero Library and extract Meta Data from the articles of one collection in your bibliography. You can personalize the output for optimized results. How it works Mainly, follow the instructions in the Post it notes: Go to and find your USER ID (It's right under the APPLICATIONS Section. On the same website, create a New Private Key. In the "Collections" Node, select Generic Credential Type > Header Auth > Create New Credential using: NAME: Zotero-API-Key VALUE: [Your Private Key] Run your Flow to check if it works and open the "Select Collection" node. See the Results of the previous node as TABLE and copy the "KEY" of the collection you want to use. After that you should have a working flow that reads your bibliography. You can edit or delete the last 2 nodes to personalize your results (Filter and Edit Fields)
Key Features
1) Extracts bibliographic metadata from Zotero collections
2) Personalized output options for optimized results
3) Utilizes Header Authentication with an API key for secure access
4) Supports loop functionality to handle multiple items in a collection
5) Allows conditional filtering and editing of result fields
6) Easy integration with HTTP requests and set/merge operations for enhanced workflow automation.
Required Tools