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Agents Makers

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Fetches workflow definitions from within n8n, selecting only the ones that have one or more (configurable) assigned tags and then: Derives a suitable backup filename by reducing the workflow name to a string with alphanumeric characters and no-spaces Note: This isn't bulletproof, but works as long as workflow names aren't too crazy. Determines which workflows need to be backed up based on whether each one: has been modified. ( Note: Even repositioning a node counts. ) ...or... is new. ( Note: Renaming counts as this. ) Commits JSON copies of each workflow, as necessary, to a Gitlab repository with a generated, date-stamped commit message. Setup Credentials Create a Gitlab Credentials item and assign it to all Gitlab nodes. Create an n8n Credentials item and assign it to the n8n node Note: This was tested with http://localhost:5678/api/v1 but should work with any reachable n8n instance and API key. Modify these values in the "Globals" Node gitlab_owner - {{your gitlab account}} gitlab_project - {{ your gitlab project name }} gitlab_workflow_path - {{ subdirectory in the project where backup files should be saved/committed }} tags_to_match_for_backup - {{tag(s) to match for backup selection}} ALERT: According to the n8n node's Filters -> tags field annotations, and API documentation, this supports a CSV list of multiple tags (e.g. tag1,tag2), but the API behavior requires workflows to have all-of the listed tags, not any-of them. See: TL/DR - Don't expect a multiple tag list to be more inclusive. Possible workaround: To match more than one tag value, duplicate the n8n node into multiple single-tag matches, or split and iterate multiple values, and merge the results. Possible Enhancements Make the branch ("Reference") for all the gitlab nodes configurable. Fixed on all as "main" in the template. Add an n8n node to generate an audit and store the output in gitlab along with the backups. Extend the workflow at the end to create a Gitlab release/tag whenever any backup files are actually updated or created.

Key Features

1) Selects and backs up n8n workflows based on configurable tags
2) Derives alphanumeric filenames from workflow names
3) Identifies modified or new workflows for backup
4) Commits JSON copies to a Gitlab repository with date-stamped messages
5) Configures credentials for both Gitlab and n8n instances
6) Allows for multiple tag matching (with limitations) and options for enhancements like audit generation and Gitlab release creation.

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